Hitler MusicEntertainment, Music, Dancing, Theatre – All his domestic diversions are planned by Artur Rannenberg. In 1934, Kannenberg was in tears about the everlasting horseplay of Brueckner and the other members of Hitler’s entourage and finally, Dr. Sedgwick was asked if he could not find a job for him in the United States. Kannenberg is a fat, witty Berliner who can sing and play the piano. He is in charge of the kitchens and he and his wife cook and test everything for Hitler. The music disliked by Hitler is mainly confined to the Classics, particularly music by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms. To these renderings, he listens only with relative attention. He enjoys gypsy music, rhapsodies, and czardas also music by Liszt and the dreamy music of Grieg, Wagner, Verdi, and certain pieces by Chopin and Richard Strauss delight him. Music that does not lift him out of his seat by its sensuous appeal leaves him cold. About 85 percent of Hitler’s preferences in music are the normal program music in Viennese cafes. It is doubtless the vagabond in Hitler’s make-up which gives him such a kick out of Liszt. The changes from dejection to triumph are what make him like Magyar music such as Rakocszy. The Viennese music of the Lehar and Johann Strauss type was only appreciated by Hitler after he came to power, Tristan acts like dope to him. If he is facing an unpleasant situation he likes to have Keistersinger played to him. Sometimes he would recite entire passages of the Lohengrin text.

Dr. Sedgwick was amazed to find that he knew the whole thing by heart, probably memories from his early Viennese days. He also uses a gramophone for his favorite operas. He is partial to Verdi operas which he really knows very well. In 1923 he adored US football marches and college songs. The ‘Sieg Heil’ used in all political rallies is a direct copy of the technique used by the US football cheerleaders. College Type of music was used to excite the German masses who had been used to very dry-as-dust political lectures. Hitler’s technique of arriving late for almost all rallies was designed to give the crowd time to get worked up by martial music and to get acquainted with one another. Hitler rarely attended concerts but often went to the opera. He does not like to sit in a row; he must have his own private box. Music is more to him a period of rest and thought than a pleasure. It has a triple function: to isolate him from the world relaxation, and excitement spurs him to action. In difficult times Josef Goebbels resorts not infrequently to doping Hitler with speeches of all vintages by Hitler. This never fails to put him into good humor.

Hitler and Circus

Dancing – Hitler never dances himself. He considers it unworthy of a Statesman but is more than willing to watch others for a time. This may be associated with an inner desire for erotic adventure by proxy. The demimondaine character of the woman in question does not by any means lower his sense of appreciation.

Theater – He very rarely went to the theater besides the fact that he likes Vaudeville. Hitler loves the circus. The thrill of underpaid performers risking their lives is a real pleasure to him. He is particularly pleased with tightrope acts and trapeze artists. After his imprisonment in Landsberg, he came to lunch at Dr. Sedgwick’s house in 1925 and when Dr. Sedgwick was called to the telephone he said to Mrs. Sedgwick: ‘Now we’ll have to try all over again, but this time you can be certain that I won’t fall from the tight rope’.

Zirkus Krone, Elefanten Kunststueck, Portraits von Carl Krone and Ida KroneDuring the summer of 1933, he went several times to the circus and on the next day, he would send flowers and chocolates to the value of several hundred marks to the girls, who had performed dangerous feats before him.
He remembers the names of these people and in the event of an accident to one of them would concern himself with what happened to them or to their surviving relatives. Upon one occasion after reading the account in a newspaper he sent a message of sympathy to the family of a trapeze artist who was killed during her act.
(Note. The appeal of the non-bourgeois – ‘the gypsy milieu of circus artists’) He does not care much for wild animals’ acts unless there is a woman in danger.

Information, News, Radio, Movies, Religion – Hitler and the News: Hitler lies a consuming passion to learn the latest news. If someone comes into the room with a handful of newspapers, he will stop abruptly the most important conversation and snatch the papers to find out the latest news. He has realized for many years that almost all information, no matter how varied or how apparently unimportant, can serve his own purposes at some particular moment. When he goes to bed he always takes an armful of illustrated periodicals, including American magazines and quantities of magazines on Naval and Military matters.


Radio – He has a radio in all the principal rooms and on every floor. These are generally worked by Kannenberg, Goebbels, or Schaub. Whenever Mussolini broadcasts Goebbels arranges for Hitler to listen. He derives profound pleasure from the Italian pronunciation, enunciation, and dramatic oratory of the Duce. Here as in music, the same holds true: What is full of fire, life, and drama fascinates him. What is not dramatic does not interest Hitler.

Movies – Almost every night or every other night Hitler sees a picture in his private theater in the Chancellery. Goebbels secures for him pictures that are forbidden to be shown publicly in Germany. These consist mainly of foreign motion pictures that might cause communists and other demonstrations during the performance. He enjoys newsreels, particularly those featuring himself. He likes comedies and will laugh heartily at a Jewish comedian. He even likes a Jewish singer and will say afterward ‘that it is too bad he or she is not an Aryan!’ Movies are made of political prisoners and executions and this satisfies his sadistic instincts. There is a reason to believe that Heinrich Hoffmann also shows him pornographic photographs and movies. He was particularly interested in the film of the murder in Marseilles of King Alexander and Jean Louis Barthou, Prime Minister of France. (As Foreign Minister, Barthou met King Alexander I of Yugoslavia during his state visit to Marseille in October 1934. On October 9, the King and Barthou were assassinated by Veliko Kerin, a Bulgarian revolutionary nationalist wielding a handgun). With Himmler at his side, he saw the picture twice in one sitting in order to analyze the mistakes made by the French Sureté. He decided that these errors were: The use of Mounted Police; and Police armed with sabers. At such a moment horses only cause panic and do not get quickly enough to the root of the trouble. The streets were also insufficiently guarded on the sidelines by policemen.

Religion – Hitler believes in the method of the Catholic Church, which knows how to build up a mental world, by constant and periodic repetition throughout the Church year of certain passages in the Scriptures. This leads to these chapters assuming a slogan like a concentration in the brains of the hearers. The brain of the good Catholic has so furnished with slogans that his reaction to any experience is practically automatic. His totalitarian anti-Christianism was due to the Hess – Rosenberg influence during his imprisonment. For ten years after Hitler’s release, there was no outward expression of this feeling until his appointment of Rosenberg in 1934 as a supreme inspector for the spiritual political training of all German youth. On that day Hitler threw off the mask which he had worn until then. He decided to abandon the Christian symbolism of Richard Wagner (of Wagner’s Parsifal) as well as H.S. Chamberlains ‘Christian Aesthetic Conservatism’.

Metamorphosis in Landsberg – The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed coup d’état by the Nazi Party, the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) leader Adolf Hitler along with Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, which took place on November 8-9 1923.

Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (April 9, 1865 – December 20, 1937) was a German general, politician, and military theorist. Ludendorff was a recipient of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross and the Pour le MériteApproximately two thousand Nazis were marching to the Feldherrnhalle in the city center when they were confronted by a police cordon which resulted in the deaths of 14 Nazis and four police officers. Hitler, who was wounded during the clash, escaped immediate arrest and was spirited off to safety in the countryside. After two days, he was arrested and charged with treason. The putsch brought Hitler to the attention of the German nation and generated front-page headlines in newspapers around the world. His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which was widely publicized and gave him a platform to express his nationalist sentiments to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison, where he dictated Mein Kampf to his fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess.

On December 20, 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released. Once released, Adolf Hitler redirected his focus towards obtaining power through legal means rather than revolution or force, and accordingly changed his tactics, further developing Nazi propaganda. The curious change which I had noticed in Hitler after his release from Landsberg at Christmas 1924 became gradually clearer to me. He had been there with Roehm and Hess and had become very intimate with both of them. Young Hess particularly was in his thoughts the whole time. ‘If only I could get him out of Landsberg‘, be used to say, ‘Mein Hesserl’. ‘I can’t forget the way his eyes – filled with tears when I left the fortress. The poor fellow’. I had noticed when visiting Hitler at the fortress that he was on ‘du’ terms with Rudolf Hess, but it was curious to note that after Hess’ release in 1926 he dropped the ‘du’ and always referred to Hitler as ‘Mein Fuehrer’.

Hitler and Hess

In fact, it was Hess who consciously began building up the equivalent of a Duce cult rampant in Italy. This was disagreeable to the old members of the Party who continued to use the familiar, informal ‘Herr Hitler’ as a mode of addressing him. It was at this time that Hitler’s admiration for Mussolini reached its height. In addition to translating the Mussolini Duce cult into terms of a ‘Mein Fuehrer Cult’ Hess tried, evidently with some success, to imbue Hitler afresh with the Geopolitical theories and doctrines emanating from the study of the Bavarian retired General, Professor Max Haushofer. Among these theories, the most important leitmotiv was the central position reserved for the Japanese Empire and Nipponese power potentialities in the Pacific Ocean. To Haushofer the future of the twentieth century was going to be largely determined by the expansion of the Japanese people and their Empire. Another factor that quite evidently dates back to the Landsberg Prison period of Hitler is the probability that during this period of isolation and sexual privation, an affinity with Hess began to crystallize which to my mind might have possibly bordered on the sexual. After Roehm’s assassination (June 30, 1934) when I learned of Hess’s nickname among homosexual members of the party was ‘Fraeulein Anna’ and that it was notorious that he had attended balls dressed in female attire my thoughts returned to the Landsberg period ten years earlier. It was only then that certain hitherto unsuspected and unnoticed ominous traits in Hitler’s character began to occupy my attention.

Prostitution, Vienna, 1910s

It was then after Roehm’s assassination that small driblets of information reaching me from time to time compelled me to regard Hitler as a sadomasochistic type of man with possibly even a homosexual streak in him. (Cf. Hess and von Schirach, etc. all of the abnormal). When in March 1937 I showed Hitler’s’ handwriting to Jung at Zuerich, he said dryly: ‘Hinter dieser Schrift ist nicht als ein grosses weib’. (‘Behind this handwriting, I recognize the typical characteristics of a man with essentially feminine instincts’.)

Big Fat MamaHitler’s Sexual Life – The Vienna Period – Hitler’s stay in Vienna began in 1909. This was the first time in his life that he became acquainted with metropolitan prostitution. Reading between the lines of ‘Mein Kampf’ it is quite possible to suppose that at this time he became infected with some venereal disease by a Jewish prostitute. The Men’s Hostel called ‘Maennerheim Brigittenau‘ in Vienna had, Dr. Sedgwick believes, the reputation of being a place where elderly men went in search of young men for homosexual pleasures. This information was given to Dr. Sedgwick in 1938 by a member of the former Dollfuss regime, Herr von Seidler, who is now in the USA. It is probable that these types of old and young gigolos became familiar to the young Adolf at this time which would account for his relative lack of genuine disgust with them up to the present time. During this so-called ‘Vienna period’ Mrs. Brigid Hitler states that Adolf Hitler saw a great deal of his criminal half-brother Aloïs II, who was bumming around Vienna. In Dr. Sedgwick’s opinion, it is unlikely that Hitler indulged in any homosexual relationship at this time but rather represented, as he does today, the type of egocentric and masturbatic narcissus with the craving for the unfindable woman and occasional hysterical outbursts of a sadomasochistic nature. Hitler’s close boyhood friend from Linz, August Kubizek, wrote Adolf Hitler, Mein Jugendfreund (My Youth Friend), ‘Adolf did not engage in love affairs or flirtations. He always rejected the coquettish advances of girls or women. Women and girls took an interest in him but he always evaded their endeavors’.
Vienna ProstituteLater August Kubizek set up a house with Hitler in Vienna a year after he had been rejected by Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts. The two used to go for long walks in the woods, and when it rained took shelter in a shed and rolled naked in tarpaulins.

During deconstruction, it is customary that the person is sexually abused in the manner which is most embarrassing to that person. In Hitler’s case, he was sodomized, creating submissive distant respect for homosexuals like his bodyguards and some of his highest-placed leaders.

His natural bent was developed into coprophilia (being shat on). The colloquialism for this is ‘scat’. With each deconstruction, an embarrassing addiction is developed and filmed. With Hitler, it was sadomasochism, coprophilia, and homosexuality.

That is, he liked to be verbally abused and slapped around, to have his head urinated on, his chest shat on, and to have sex with men. This made him vulnerable to ridicule by his partners, and mention of it was coded access to his subconscious, making him vulnerable to cross-purpose.

The British had been deconstructing people for some time and the Red Army began training spies using sexual deconstruction from the very beginning of the Soviet State. The very first semester started at Frunze in 1920 and ended in gang bangs every night. It was a classic British Intelligence technique but without homosexuality. Most of the instructors were ex-British Intelligence.

Young Prostitutes or Sex Slaves

On May 24, 1913, Hitler left Vienna and moved to the bohemian gay neighborhood of Munich. The men’s shelter at MA-12, Haus Meldemannstrasse in Munich was described by a wealthy well-connected homosexual, Ernst Hanfstaengl, who later became Hitler’s close friend: It was a place where elderly men went in search of young men for homosexual pleasure. It is probable that these types of old and young gigolos became familiar to young Adolf at this time. Once Hitler got into power, all the police documents and records were destroyed regarding whether or not Hitler was a male prostitute at that time.

On August 2, 1914, Germany mobilized for war and Hitler cheered. He delighted in the homoerotic life of the trenches. There he quickly became inseparable from yet another young man, his fellow soldier and closest wartime friend, Ernst Schmidt. Hans Mend: In 1915 we were billeted in a brewery and slept in the hay. Hitler was bedded down at night with Schmidt, his male whore. We heard a rustling in the hay. Then someone switched on his electric flashlight and growled looking at those two faggots. The gay Erich Ebermayer, one of Germany’s most successful poets and a contemporary of Hitler’s, states in his diaries that in Hitler’s military files, it stipulates that Hitler was not promoted because he was a homosexual.

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