At the 566-ASWB, the on-duty highest ranking officer, and at the 563-ASWB, which was monitoring the action, both were placing calls to their commanders to inform them of the...
(PART TWO) Document Source: Historical Research Division, Aerospace Studies Institute, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The World War One Diary of Col...
(PART ONE) Document Source: Historical Research Division, Aerospace Studies Institute, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The World War One Diary of Col...
(Document Source: The material presented herewith was prepared by Headquarters Army Air Forces, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Intelligence Section, and is published for official...
Document Source: US Army Command & General Staff College, Operation Argument 'Big Week', February 20-25, 1944, Published on by John M. Curatola
The US...
Document Source: US Army Air Forces Airfields and Bases in the European Theater of Operation, 1944-1945, WD 1945
After the landing in Normandy, followed by...
Document Source: US Army Air Force Stations, Mediterranean Theater of Operation, 1945, WD
Army Air Forces – Mediterranean Theater
Station List – 1 May 1945
Algiers, Algeria
Document Source: Army Air Force Archives, XIX Tactical Command, 1944.
The XIX Tactical Air Command (XIX TAC) (Fly Seek Destroy) is an inactive US Air...