A wounded soldier is carried back to the aid post by his comrades (Unknown Location)

December 27 The US 30-ID continued to maintain defensive positions in its zone and readjusted units within its zone. The 117-RCT attached the 2/120-RCT; the 743-TB; Charlie Co 823-TDB, and continued to maintain defensive positions of Stavelot along the commanding ground northeast of Stavelot and north of the Amblève River between Stavelot and Trois Ponts the 2/117-RCT relieved the 1/119-RCT at 2056 and the Battalion moved to an assembly area in the vicinity of (K745027). The 743-TB (less Dog Co) (less one Platoon) and Assault Gun Platoon, relieved from attachment at 1500.

The 119-RCT (less the 2/119), attached the 1st Platoon Dog Co and Mortar Platoon of the 743-TB, the 740-TB (less Baker Co), and continued to outpost the Amblève River and maintained roadblock in its sector until 1500. At this time, the Regiment was assigned a new sector. The 1/119 relieved the 2/117 at 2056, and assumed responsibility for the defense of its sector along the commanding ground northeast of Stavelot, extending from (K734020) to (K75419) to K760026). The 3/119-RCT, placed in Division Reserve at 1500, closed in an assembly area in the vicinity of Ster. The 3/119-RCT was released from Division Reserve at 1500. The 740-TB (less Baker Co) released from attachment at 1500 and reverted to division reserve.

The 120-RCT (less the 2/120), attached the 99-IB-(S); the 526-AIB; the 30-CRS (Mecz); Baker Co of the 743-TB; Baker Co of the 740-TB and continued to maintain the defense of Malmedy, defense and patrolling of its sector, contact with the US 1-ID, and at 1600, Charlie Co 99-IB-(S), raided the town of Hédomont to gain information and prisoners. At 1645, the raiders withdrew with 1 enemy prisoner, leaving 14 dead. The 30-CRS (Mecz), was released from attachment at 1500 and reverted to Division Reserve. Baker Co 740-TB reverted to battalion control at 1500. Baker Co 743-TDB, attached at 1500. Baker Co 823-TDB, released from attachment at 1500. The 291-ECB was released from attachment to the 120-RCT and the Division at (27)-1200 and reverted to US 1-A control.

December 28 The US 30-ID continued to maintain and improve defensive positions and readjusted units within its zone. The 117-RCT attached the 2/120-RCT; Dog Co, less the 1st Platoon and Assault Gun Platoon, 743-TB, and continued to maintain the defense of the vicinity of Stavelot and the area north of the Amblève between Stavelot and Trois Ponts. The 2/117-RCT relieved the 2/120-RCT, and King and Love Cos at (28)-1145. King and Love Cos moved to an assembly area in the vicinity of Roanne.

US engineers about to blow another German Tank

The 119-RCT (less the 3/119 in Division Reserve), attached 1 Platoon of Dog Co and the Mortar Platoon of the 743-TB and improved its defensive positions along the commanding ground northeast of Stavelot, and maintained active patrolling of its sector. The 2/119-RCT moved from the vicinity of Ster at (28)-0910, and occupied defensive positions in the regimental sector at (28)-1145, relieving elements of the 120-RCT in its zone. The 3/119-RCT (Division Reserve) moved by motor and closed into an assembly area in the vicinity of Ster at (28)-1655.

The 120-RCT (less 2/120), attached the 526-AIB; the 99-IB-(S); Baker Co 742-TB, and continued to maintain the defense of Malmedy, defense and patrolling of its sector, and contact with the US 1-ID. the 2/120-RCT (Division Reserve), was relieved by the 2/117-RCT at about (28)-1925, moved and closed into an assembly area in the vicinity of Xhoffraix at (28)-1925, and at the close of the period were preparing defensive positions and counter-attack plans.

December 29 The US 30-ID continued to maintain and improve positions and conducted vigorous patrolling in its zone. The 117-RCT, attached Dog Co (less 1 platoon) and Assault Gun Platoon of the 743-TB, and maintained active defense in the regimental sector. The 3/117-RCT reorganized its defense in the Ster, Parfondruy area. Aggressive patrolling and recon were carried on during the period. The 119-RCT (les the 3/119 in Division Reserve), attached 1 platoon of Dog Co and the Mortar Platoon of the 743-TB, and continued to improve its defensive positions and maintained active patrolling of its sector. The 2/119-RCT prepared counter-attack plans with the CO of the 117-IR and the CO of the 117-IR, for counter-attack within the regimental zone. The 120-RCT (less 2/120 in Division Reserve), attached the 526-AIB; the 99-IB-(S); Baker Co 743-TB, and continued to hold defensive positions in its sector. At (29)-1630, Baker Co 99-IB-(S), raided the town of Otaimont in the vicinity. The attack was supported by artillery fire, mortar, and machine-gun fire from the 1/120 and 3/120. Baker Co 99-IB-(S) entered the town against no opposition and returned to its present location at (29)-1755. Active patrolling was constantly throughout the period.

December 30 The US 30-ID continued to maintain and improve defensive positions and conducted vigorous patrolling in its zone.

December 31 The US 30-ID continued to maintain defensive positions at Malmedy and Stavelot, and maintain the defense of its sector north of the Amblève between Stavelot and Trois Ponts. Aggressive patrolling and recon were carried on throughout the period. The 117-RCT, attached Dog Co (less 1 platoon), and the Assault Gun Platoon of the 743-TB, improved their defensive positions and continued to aggressively patrol its sector. The 3/117 was in regimental reserve in the vicinity Moulin-du-Ruy. The 119-RCT (less the 3/119 in Division Reserve), attached 1 platoon of Dog Co and the Mortar Platoon of the 743-TB, and continued to occupy and improve its defensive positions and maintained active patrolling of its sector throughout the period. The 120-RCT (less the 2/130 in Division Reserve), attached the 526-AIB, the 99-IB-(S), and Baker Co 743-TB, improved its positions, maintained active defense of its sector, and continued to actively patrol its zone.

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