Mark VI-2 King Tiger #222 destroyed in Stavelot

December 20 Throughout the day, the US 30-ID, reinforced, maintained, and improved defensive positions in the Malmedy-Stavelot area, while to the west, an attack was launched to take Stoumont and La Gleize. The 117-RCT attacked Stavelot from the northeast and the 119-RCT attacked Stoumont from the west under the US XVIII Corps (Airborne) control. The 119-RCT with attachments, reverted to Division control at 1500. Combat Command B US 3-AD (Hqs & Hqs Detachment CCB-3-AD; 2/36-AIR; Hqs 33-AR; Hqs & Hqs Co 1/33-AR; Hqs & Hqs 2/33-AR; Able, Baker, Dog, Easy, Fox and Item Cos 33-AR; 1st Platoon Recon Co 33-AR; 1st and 2nd Platoons Dog Co 23-AECB) assisted the 119-RCT and elements of the 117-RCT in their attack on La Gleize and Stoumont and at 1700 was attached the Division. The US 30-ID with attachments detached from the US V Corps and attached to the US XVIII Corps (Airborne) at 1300.

The 117-RCT attached Able and Baker Cos, Assault Gun and Mortar Platoons, 743-TB; Charlie Co 823-TDB; Easy and Fox Cos 120-RCT, maintained its defense of Stavelot and the high ground northeast thereof, and attached southwest with the 3rd Battalion at 0800 to seize La Gleize and cut the Stavelot-La Gleize road at the Halte de Roanne-Coo. At about 1212, King Co had entered the northern portion of the town and was held up by strong resistance from armored infantry. Task Force M, CCB-3-AD assisted King Co in its attack, and at 1800, Task Force M and King Co renewed the attack which was repulsed by strong enemy resistance and they were forced to withdraw to defensive positions north of the town. The 3/117-RCT less King Co remained on the defensive north of the town. The 3/117-RCT less King Co remained in defensive positions in the vicinity of Roanne and Moulin, and Task Force L, CCB-3-AD attacked south through their positions. Fox Co 120-RCT was attached to the 117-RCT at 0700 and further attached to the 1/117-RCT.

Map Scaled GSGS June 1944 - Stoumont La Gleize

Fox Co moved into defensive positions on the northeast flank of the 1/117-RCT and assisted that unit in its defense of Stavelot. During the day, repeated attacks by enemy armor and infantry from the southwest and west were repulsed and several enemy attempts to establish a bridgehead at (K718007) over the Amblève River were stopped, and a small enemy bridgehead in the vicinity of Challes was driven back across the river. The 2/117-RCT continued to maintain defensive positions and established an outpost line from (K730011) to (K743008) to (K747010) to (K753012). Task Force L CCB-3-AD and Easy Co 120-RCT were attached to the 117-RCT at 2100 and plans were made to attack east from Petit-Coo to join up with the forces at Stavelot.

The 119-RCT, attached Able Co 823-TDB; the 740-TB; Baker Co (less one Platoon) 105-AECB; the 197-FAB; the 400-AFAB, remained attached to the US XVIII Corps (Airborne) until 1500 at which time it reverted to Division control. The Regiment launched an attack at 1600 to the east with the 1/119 and the 3/119 in conjunction with Task Force J (CCB-3-AD), to seize Stoumont. Stiff resistance was encountered but at 1800, the regiment had advanced to within 500 yards of the town where it was stopped by heavy resistance from infantry, tanks, and direct fire weapons. At 2100, the 119-RCT, with attachments, was attached to Task Force Harrison, US 30-ID.

The 120-RCT, less the 2/120, attached Baker Co 740-TB; Baker Co 823-TDB, and the 30-CRS (Mecz) (less 3rd Platoon), continued to occupy defensive positions and roadblocks in the vicinity of Malmédy and actively patrolled to the south.

Stavelot, Destroyed Mark V Panther and abandoned 75-MM Pak 40

The 1/120-RCT began movement at 1330 and occupied strong defensive positions along the commanding ground extending (K801030) to (K810034) to (K820030) to (K830025) and maintained contact with the US 1-ID. The 2/120-RCT in division reserve continued to maintain roadblocks at (K726028) and (718089). Fox Co attached to the 117-RCT at 0700 and assumed defensive positions in the vicinity of (K714023). The 2/120-RCT (less), remained in an assembly area in the vicinity of Francorchamps. Easy Co attached to the 117-RCT at 2100. The 3rd Platoon of the 30-CRS (Mecz), attached to the 120-RCT at 2100, making the entire Troop attached.

CCB US 3-AD attached the US 30-ID at 1700. Task Force J assisted the 119-RCT in its attack to seize Stoumont. Task Force M, assisted the 117-RCT in its attempt to seize La Gleize, and Task Force L, attacked and established roadblocks at (K681992), (K682027), and (K678992). The leading elements of Task Force L reached (K681992). CCB US 3-AD, less Task Force L, was attached to Task Force Harrison at 2100. Task Force L was attached to the 117-RCT at 2100. King Co, 177-RCT was attached to Task Force M at 2145.

Task Force L: Hqs & Hqs Co, 2/33-AR; Baker Co, 33-AR; Dog and Easy Cos, 33-AR; Easy Co, 36-AIR; 1st Platoon, Recon Co, Armored Regiment; 1st Platoon, Dog Co, 23-AECB (3-AD).
Task Force M: Hqs & Hqs Co, 1/33-AR; 2/36-AIR (less Easy & Fox Cos); Item Co, 33-AR; 2nd Platoon, Dog Co, 23-AECB (3-AD).
Task Force J: Hqs 33-AR; Able and Fox Cos, 33-AR; Fox Co, 36-AIR; Hqs & Hqs Detachment, CCB-3-AD.
Task Force Harrison, constituted at 2100, this Task Force was composed of the 119-RCT; Able Co, 823-TDB; 740-TB; Baker Co (less one Platoon) 105-ECB; 197-FAB; 400-AFAB; and CCB-3-AD (less Task Force L), was given the mission of seizing Stoumont and continuing west to take La Gleize, then make contact with the 117-RCT.

December 21 The US 30-ID, reinforced, continued to maintain, and improved defensive positions at Stavelot on the commanding ground northeast of the town and at Malmedy and attacked to the Southeast at 0830 to clear the Division zone north of the Amblève River and southwest of Stavelot of enemy. Ster, Renardmont, and Parfondruy were captured. At 1040, the Division attacked south and west of La Gleize, advanced approximately 1000 yards against heavy resistance but was unable to seize the town. The Division repulsed strong enemy attacks of infantry and armor west of Stoumont and attacked to the east to seize Stoumont at 1245, but the attack was unsuccessful due to stiff enemy resistance.

Panther #225, the lead tank on the attack at Stoumont. Upon entering the town US defenders, to the left of the road, opened fire on the Panther, the 1st shot hit the turret & prevented it from traversing. Another shot started a fire & the German crew was forced to abandon the tank

The 117-RCT, with attachments, attacked to the southeast at 0830 with the 3/117 (less King Co), advanced approximately 3000 yards against light to heavy resistance, and captured Ster and Renardmont. Task Force L, attached Easy Co 120-RCT, continued to maintain roadblocks and attacked to the east against heavy resistance and at 1038, captured Parfondruy. The 117-RCT continued to maintain defensive positions at Stavelot and northeast of Stavelot, repulsing repeated enemy attempts to cross the Amblève River.

Task Force Harrison repulsed strong attacks west of Stoumont and attacked to the east and southeast at 1245 to seize the town, but the attack was unsuccessful due to heavy resistance from enemy infantry, tanks, and direct fire weapons. Task Force M, CCB-3-AD attached King Co of the 117-RCT in Borgoumont, attacked to the south and west to seize La Gleize, advanced approximately 1000 yards against stiff resistance, but was unable to seize the town. Baker Co, 740-TB was attached to the 120-RCT at 0001 and moved during the night to the vicinity of Malmedy.

The 120-RCT (less 2/120-RCT) attached Baker Co 740-TB; Baker Co 823-TDB; 30-CRS (Mecz); 291-ECB, continued to maintain defensive positions and roadblocks in the vicinity of Malmedy, and defensive positions along the commanding ground extending from (K801030) to (K810034) to (K820030) to (K830025) and maintained contact with the US 1-ID. The 120-RCT repulsed repeated enemy attacks by armor and infantry, destroying seven enemy tanks3 Easy and Fox Cos attached to the 117-RCT. The 2/120-RCT less those companies in division reserve, maintained roadblocks in the vicinity of Francorchamps.

The 1/551-PIB reinforced attached to the US 30-ID at 0900 and closed into an assembly area in the vicinity of Ster in 2015. CCB-3-AD (less Task Force L) attached to Task Force Harrison. Task Force L attached to the 117-RCT.

Panther #211 knocked out near Stoumont Station & pushed off the road after being destroyed by elements of the 743-TB, and 110-AAAB

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