To their blues and whites members of the US Navy Nurse Corps have added grays. The new gray uniform is worn here by Lt (jg) Julia Anna Muraresku (center), of Philadelphia, Pa. Ens. Kathleen Litty (left), of Brainard, Neb, wears the blue uniform and the nurse in the white is Ens. Leona McKibbin, of Hayes Center, Neb. House of Hospitality (nurse quarters), Casa del Rey Moro Garden, Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif, 1944
Navy Nurses Ensign Dorothy Swallen and Ensign Dora Eggleston. It was the era of World War, the fight to defeat fascism across the world. Equality in the forces had a long way to go ( with the notable exception of the Soviet Armies and air forces). Women were not allowed to join direct combat, there were many roles filled by women
This is not a WW-2 Photo but the model and the uniform make it so good that this colors photo has a place here to. This is the original text with the photo I have found on Facebook. (Siostry – Tym razem studio. Do zdjęć zaprosiłem panny Dorotę i Wiktorię Maik. Dziewczyny wykazały się dużym profesjonalizmem i są naprawdę świetne w tym co robią). (Women Army Corps)
WAC Elaine Zeigweid in the Tech Library, USA, circa 1943
In 1944, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion of the US Women’s Army Corps was formed. It would be the only all-Black, all-women battalion to serve overseas during WW2. Its job: end a massive backlog of mail that had not reached 7 million US soldiers in Europe
Mediterranean Beach Scene – Members of the Women’s Army Corps stationed in North Africa. Recreational periods mean time off from the war, 28 June 1944
Christmas greetings from 1944. Christmas tree Sparkles. These lovely WAC (Women’s Army Corps) ladies are sending holiday cheer from the Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation in Newport News
One of the first 95 female Marines assigned to Camp Pendleton during World War II recalls her time on the base