Document Source: Supreme Allied Headquarters Archival Document, Original Communiques of the Supreme Commander, European Theater of Operations

Communique Number 146 – 1 September 1944

Driving on northward from the Beauvais area, Allied forces yesterday reached Amiens and established a firm bridgehead over the Somme River. Corbie, Villers-Bretonneux and Moreuil were among the towns taken by this advance. Further to the west our troops reached Formerie, Buchy and Forges-les-Eaux. North of Rouen we have captured Totes, half-way to Dieppe, while other forces which crossed the Seine River near Caudebec have passed through Lillebonne and reached the area of St-Romain-de-Colbosc. The commander of the German Seventh Army was among the prisoners taken yesterday. In the Beauvais area, Allied armored units have pushed northeastward along the Brèche River, occupying Bresle and Fouquerolles.

Allied troops advancing north from Paris have taken the towns of Senlis, Creil and Crépy-en-Valois. The forces that took Crépy have advanced to Béthancourt and Haramont. East of Crépy, our troops have reached Vaumoise. Reconnaissance elements are within 2000 yards of Compiègne. Gains of about 10 miles have been made by Allied troops moving north and east of Reims. Other troops have entered Laon where a stiff fight occurred when our forces accounted for three train loads of German troops who were attempting to withdraw from the town. Allied troops advancing beyond St-Dizier have crossed the upper Aisne River several miles north of Ste-Menehould. Other troops moving east and southeast of Troyes have made gains to points over 20 miles from the town reaching the area just east of Bar-sur-Seine.

In Brittany, Allied troops closing in on Brest have advanced almost to the coast west of the port in the area south of St-Renan. The enemy has been cleared from the Daoulas Peninsula south of Brest. Clouds over France hindered Allied air activity early yesterday, but operating under improved conditions later in the day, fighters and fighter bombers attacked enemy road and rail movements in northern France and Belgium. Motor transport numbering in hundreds was destroyed and locomotives and trucks were hit. Coastal guns on the Island of Cézembre were attacked by medium and heavy bombers. Fuel dumps in the Forêt d’Arques and at Nomexy were hit by light bombers which also attacked military buildings at Vincey. During the night of 30-31 August, enemy shipping in channel waters stretching from Dieppe to Dunkirk was attacked by coastal aircraft. One large merchant vessel and a small ship were hit.

Communique Number 147 – 2 September 1944

Dieppe, Arras and Verdun were liberated yesterday by Allied forces. On the Channel coast, Allied troops entered Dieppe, where the enemy offered only slight opposition, and pushed northward to Le Tréport. Further west, our troops have taken Bolbec, Fauville-en-Caux and have entered Yvetot. Armored thrusts northward from Amiens passed through Arras soon after midday, and by evening were established in strength north of the town. Another thrust captured the town of Doullens, and further west our leading elements have reached the Somme River southeast of Abbeville. Light enemy resistance was met by Allied troops advancing northeast of Beauvais and we have taken Coullemelle and Villers-Tournelle, six miles west of Montdidier. Our advance through the Forêt de Compiègne to the southwestern edge of the town of Compiègne met heavy resistance.

North of the Aisne River, armored elements have taken Montcornet, 18 miles northeast of Laon. Other units have entered Rethel, 20 miles northeast of Reims and have made gains to the edge of the Forêt de Signy. Allied troops have occupied Verdun. They have crossed the Meuse River in the town and also between St-Mihiel and Commercy. West of the Meuse, forces which advanced through the Forêt d’Argonne are in the areas of Baulny, Varennes and Clermont. Troops moving through the area north of St-Dizier have reached a point near the Marne River and the Rhine Canal. Southeast of St-Dizier, armored units have advanced to the vicinity of Joinville.

Enemy transport in the Low Countries and northern France was attacked throughout yesterday by fighters and fighter bombers. Targets included motor and horse-drawn transport, tanks, locomotives, and barges. Fighter bombers also bombed an ammunition dump near St-Quentin. Targets for medium bombers were gun posts, strong points and a motor park in the Brest area, troop concentrations near Abbeville and railway yards at Givet on the Franco-Belgiun border. Fighter bombers continued the attack on the island of Cézembre, off St Malo, which has also been bombarded by HMS Malaya. Air observation was provided.

Communique Number 148 – 3 September 1944

Allied forces expanding their drive north from Arras have crossed the Vimy Ridge and occupied Lens, Bully-les-Mines and Grenay. To the east, we have taken Douai and a thrust westward has brought us to the area of St Pol. On the Channel coast, St-Valery-en-Caux is in our hands. We have reached Abbeville and closed on the Somme River between there and the sea. In the area of the Forêt de Compiègne, northeast of Paris, advances were made against varying resistance. The Aisne River was crossed west of Soissons. A thrust northeast of Montcornet has put us across the Belgian frontier. Further south, progress continues east of Verdun. Bad weather again hindered air operations over northeastern France. A force of heavy bombers attacked shipping at Brest.

Communique Number 149 – 4 September 1944

Bruxelles, Belgium, has been liberated. Allied troops which crossed the Belgian frontier early yesterday morning rapidly freed Tournai, and pushed on to the north and east to enter the capital in the late evening. Further west other armored forces drove north through Béthune and Lillers and reached the neighborhood of Aire-sur-la-Lys. In the Abbeville area the Somme River was crossed on both sides of the town which is now in our hands after some fighting. Our troops pushed on northward from the river.

North and east of Le Havre we closed in on the main defenses of the port. Some 40 miles southwest of Bruxelles, the Belgian frontier has been crossed by other columns advancing northeast. Elements are in the area of Charleroi. Further south the advance eastward has brought our troops to the vicinity of Nancy. Units following up this thrust have made other crossings of the Meuse River near Chalaines, ten miles southeast of Commercy, and our troops are in St Mihiel. Enemy road and rail movements in Belgium and the Pas de Calais were attacked by fighters and fighter bombers yesterday. Considerable numbers of motor vehicles, locomotives and railway cars were destroyed or damaged. Six airfields in Holland were attacked by a strong force of heavy bombers. The fortified area of Brest was the target for medium forces of heavy, medium and light bombers which made a series of attacks in the morning and evening. Gun positions, ammunition and fuel dumps and strong points were hit.

Communique Number 150 – 5 September 1944

Anvers has been liberated. After a two-day drive across Belgium, Allied armor entered the city yesterday and by evening was clearing the dock area. Earlier in the day, our troops to the south captured Louvain, Mechelen and Alost. Other forces operating near the Francon-Belgian frontier took Lille. North of the Somme River, steady progress is being made. Our troops reached Hesdin, Montreuil and Étaples. Allied forces in the Mons area of Belgium have eliminated a large German pocket southwest of the city. An estimated 9000 prisoners were taken. Some 40 tanks and 1500 motor vehicles were captured or destroyed by ground and air forces. Local enemy pockets were mopped up south of Tournai and in the areas of Marchiennes, France, northwest of Valenciennes, and Villerot, northwest of Mons. Gains were made south of Charleroi as far as Florennes and Beaumont. IN the upper Meuse Valley, our forces have advanced northeast of St Mihiel. Further south, there are no changes to report. Weather restricted air operations yesterday.

Communique Number 151 – 6 September 1944

In the Bruxelles-Antwerp sector, Allied forces were engaged yesterday in mopping-up operations. Further west, forward elements of our armor have reached the southern outskirts of Ghent. Allied troops continued to make good progress north of the Somme River, reaching the line Aire-St Omer yesterday evening. Other forces by-passing Bologne have reached the area Forêt de Guines. Further south our troops advancing into Belgium have freed Charleroi and Namur. Crossings of the Meuse River have been made at Dinant and Givet, where enemy opposition was light. Mopping-up continues in the area southwest of Mons where more enemy troops are surrounded.

Fighters and fighter bombers strafed and dive-bombed enemy airfields, road convoys and railway trains in Holland and Western Germany yesterday. One hundred and forty-three enemy aircraft were destroyed on the ground and 28 were shot down in combat. Enemy shipping off the Dutch Islands was attacked by rocket-firing fighters. One medium sized vessel was sunk, another left on fire and three smaller craft were damaged. During the night railway targets in Holland and Germany were attacked by light bombers. Aerial bombardment of the fortified area of Brest was continued during the day by heavy, medium and light bombers. Troop concentrations at Le Havre were attacked by heavy bombers which dropped more than 1000 tons of high explosives.

Communique Number 152 – 7 September 1944.

Ghent has been captured and Courtrai is reported clear of enemy. Allied forces have taken Armentières and the area west of Lille as far as Merville. Our armor has thrust eastward from St Omer to the vicinity of Cassel. Our troops are on the outskirts of Boulogne and forward elements have surrounded Calais. Mopping up continues in the Bruxelles- Antwerp area. To the south, our forces are advancing beyond the Meuse River, southeastward from Namur and northeastward from Givet. They are encountering mortar and small arms fire. Troops moving through the Forêt d’Ardennes are east of Anchamps.

Enemy strong points in Le Havre and Brest were attacked by heavy, medium and light bombers yesterday. Targets over a wide area in the Low Countries and western Germany were bombed and strafed by fighters and fighter bombers which successfully attacked motor transport, locomotives, rail cars and troops. During the night, a small force of light bombers attacked road and rail movements in Holland and on the Dutch-German border.

Communique Number 153 – 8 Septembre 1944

Allied forces pressing northeast from Louvain crossed the Albert Canal in the vicinity of Beringen and advanced elements reached the area of Bourg-Léopold yesterday evening. Ypres has been captured and our forces have advanced to the vicinity of Roulers. Another armored column has reached a point 10 miles northwest of the town. We have continued to close in on Boulogne and Calais, in France. The area of these ports was further sealed off yesterday by an advance of our troops from the area of the Forêt de Guines to Gravelines.

Troops operating further south in Belgium have taken Wavre, southeast of Bruxelles. Other forces moving along the Meuse River from Namur have freed Huy and elements are in the area immediately west of Liège. East of Dinant, gains have been made and troops advancing through the Forêt d’Ardennes, have taken Louette-Saint-Pierre and Bièvre. Our forces are near the Moselle River a few miles north of Metz. Further south we have crossed the Moselle north of Pont-à-Mousson against stiff enemy resistance. Adverse weather yesterday restricted air operations.

Communique Number 154 – 9 September 1944

Expansion of the Allied bridgehead over the Albert Canal has met growing enemy resistance. The capture of Bourg-Léopold was completed against strong opposition. Our troops continued the advance through Roulers and reached Thiel yesterday, where sharp fighting continues. Another armored thrust from this area advanced some miles towards Bruges. Further north Allied armor has captured Dixmuide. Our troops continue to close in on the ports of Calais and Boulogne.

In eastern Belgium, Allied troops have occupied Liège, 21 miles from the German frontier, after advancing along the north bank of the Meuse river against scattered enemy resistance. Elements have moved to Romsée, three miles southeast of Liège. In the area south of the Meuse between Namur and Liège, our troops have reached the village of Neuville-en-Condroz, ten miles east of Huy. In the Ardennes Forest, our troops are advancing eastward between Givet and Sedan against resistance from isolated strong points. Elements have reached Haut-Fays and Maissin. East of Sedan, we are at Ste Cécile after and advance of 12 miles.

Allied bombers were sent against three resisting harbor defenses in France yesterday while fighters and fighter bombers continued to harass enemy movements, transport and communications in the Low Countries and in western Germany. Yesterday morning, heavy bombers attacked Le Havre and strong points and gun positions at Brest were targets for fighter bombers. In the evening, medium bombers attacked fortifications at Boulogne. Ten enemy aircraft were destroyed on the ground during attacks by fighter bombers on enemy movements in the Low Countries and against airfield and transport in Western Germany. A road bridge east of Rotterdam was attacked during the night by light bombers.

Communique Number 155 – 10 September 1944

Allied forces clearing the Channel Coast area have made considerable progress around Bergues, southeast of Dunkerque. Further east units are approaching Brugge. Gains have been made north of Antwerp. Development of the bridgeheads over the Albert Canal is continuing to meet stiff resistance. Our forces have advanced to Kermt, four miles west of Hasselt, and to Noduwez, Marilles, and Folx-les-Caves, in the Tirlemont-Huy sector. Other forces moving east and southeast of Liège are in Limbourg after a 14-mile advance.

After thrusting through the Ardennes Forest to points 15 to 20 miles east of the Meuse River, our troops reached the vicinity of St Hubert. Elements further south have entered Écouviez, east of Montmedy. The west bank of the Moselle River has been cleared of enemy in the vicinity of Pompey, six miles north of Nancy. Allied forces continue to close in on the port of Brest, where the enemy is maintaining a stubborn defense. Transport, communications and airfields in Holland and western Germany were bombed and strafed by fighters and fighter bombers yesterday. Nine enemy aircraft were shot down in combat and five others were destroyed in the ground. Gun positions and strong points at Brest were attacked by fighter bombers and similar objectives at Boulogne were targets for medium bombers.

Communique Number 156 – 11 September 1944

The city of Luxembourg has been liberated by Allied forces advancing towards the Moselle River. Northwest of Nancy, our troops are in the northern part of Liverdun. Further north, in the Ardennes, we are at Neufchâteau, 22 miles northeast of Sedan. Units are along the Ourthe River in the area east of Marche-en-Famenne and elements have moved east of St Hubert. Southeast of Liège, our troops are in the vicinity of Theux, and enemy resistance has increased in the area immediately to the southeast. Northwest of Liège, our forces have occupied Remicourt and have reached Heks, 7 miles southeast of Sint-Truiden. Stiff German opposition continues in our Albert Canal bridgeheads. Enemy resistance at Ghent has been overcome and our troops are in possession of the town. Ostend and Nieuwport have been cleared of the enemy and the coast between Ostend and Furnes is in our hands.

In Brittany, house-to-house fighting is in progress in the outskirts of Brest. The German commander at Inzinzac-Lochrist has surrendered, but isolated enemy groups continue to resist in the area. Resistance also continues on the Crozon Peninsula, which forms the southern shore of the Bay of Brest. The HMS Warspite and the HMS Erebus yesterday subjected the defenses of Le Havre to a heavy bombardment in support of ground operations. The attack against the garrison and fortified positions at Le Havre was also continued yesterday morning, afternoon and evening by heavy bombers. Visibility was excellent and the bombing was highly concentrated. Fighter and fighter bombers gave support to ground forces and attacked locomotives and motor transport in the Low Countries, barges in Holland and Ameland. During the night, light bombers attacked motor transport, a bridge and a train in Holland, and small surface vessels near Flushing-Vlissingen.

Communique Number 157 – 12 September 1944

Allied troops have crossed the Luxembourg-German frontier, and to the south, we have established contact with our forces advancing from southern Franche. In the Moselle River Valley, we are continuing to meet stubborn resistance along the river. Further north, troops which made the crossing of the German frontier in force are now in the area northwest of Trier. Earlier, forces which liberated the city of Luxembourg had encountered enemy delaying acting northeast of Mersch. In the Belgian Ardennes, gains have been made in the vicinity of Bastogne. Advances south of Liège have taken our troops across the road between Harre and Aywaille. Ten miles east of Liège, we have occupied Herve after encountering scattered enemy resistance. We have also reached Juprelle on the Liège-Tongeren road. The bridgeheads over the Albert Canal have been enlarged in spite of stubborn enemy resistance. East of Ghent we have liberated Lokeren as well as Sint-Niklaas.

Communique Number 158 – 13 September 1944

Le Havre is now in Allied hands. On the Belgian Coast, mopping-up continues between Furnes and Zeebrugge. Further progress has been made beyond the Albert Canal. North of Liège we have taken Fort Eben-Emael. Forces advancing east and southeast of Liège, after meeting strong resistance from German infantry, anti-tank guns, and mines in the Dolhain-Limbourg area, captured Eupen and Malmedy. Units crossed the German frontier east of Eupen. In the Ardennes, our troops which liberated Bastogne, have advanced to the vicinity of Clervaux in northern Luxembourg.

In the Moselle River Valley we have enlarged our bridgeheads across the river against heavy enemy resistance. Concrete emplacements in the Seigfried Line in the neighborhood of Scheid, some 50 miles west of Coblenz, were attacked by medium and light bombers yesterday. Other formations struck at a railway yard at Sankt Wendel, artillery positions and observation posts in the Beveland and Dutch mainland. Enemy transportation was attacked by fighters and fighter bombers operating from Holland to the Moselle River and from Strasbourg to Karlsruhe. Close support to our ground forces was also given by attacks on gun positions. According to reports so far received, 30 enemy aircraft were shot down and nine were destroyed on the ground. Two of our aircraft are missing.

Communique Number 159 – 14 Septembre 1944

On the Channel Coast mopping-up continues. Allied troops have taken a strong point in the vicinity of Nieuwpoort-Bad. In northeastern Belgium we have enlarged our bridgeheads over the Albert Canal at Gheel and to the southeast more enemy counter-attacks against our bridgeheads brought no result. Mopping-up in the area of Hechtel-Eksel has been completed and elements have reached the Canal de l’Escaut. Other Allied troops, after crossing the Albert Canal have pushed on to cross the Dutch Frontier. The frontier has also been crossed further south near Maastricht. In Luxembourg our forces have made gains in the area northeast of the capital. The bridgehead over the Moselle River continues to be strengthened in face of heavy enemy resistance and we now hold high ground in one area on the west bank.

In Brittany, progress is being made at Brest against stubborn defenses which included small arms, mortars, machine guns and some artillery. A fort about two miles east of the town has been taken. Fighter bombers supported yesterdays attack.

Attacks on the Siegfried Line and against strong points near Nancy and Metz were made yesterday by fighter bombers. Other fighter bombers hit rail targets in the Nancy area, destroying and damaging a number of locomotives and railway trucks. Communications and transportation targets on railways and waterways of Holland were bombed and strafed by medium, light, and fighter bombers. Hits were scored on the causeway between Walcheren and in the southern Beveland. Fortified positions at Boulogne were targets for other medium and light bombers. Coastal aircraft attacked an enemy convoy in the anchorage off Den Helder Tuesday night. Five vessels were left on fire and a sixth apparently sinking. Shore installations were also hit. Other formations attacked shipping between the Hook of Holland and Ameland. Two coastal aircraft are missing.

Communique Number 160 – 15 September 1944

Allied troops in northeastern Belgium have reached the line of the Léopold Canal north of Maldegem. Mopping-up continues in the area south of our bridgehead over the Canal de L’Escaut. Further south, Allied troops have taken several small towns inside Germany and are meeting increasing resistance from prepared enemy positions. South of Aachen, enemy resistance is strong. East of Sankt Vith, we have pierced an outer section of the Siegfried Line defenses on a six mile front. Other units encountered extensive road blocks and pill boxes but progress was maintained.

In the Moselle River Valley, strong enemy counter-attacks against our bridgeheads were contained. Further advances have been made in the area south of Nancy, where Germans are putting up a stubborn defense with heavy mortar, small arms, machine gun and sporadic artillery fire.

The enemy garrison at Brest has rejected demands for surrender and fighting continues in the city where fires are burning and loud explosions have been heard. Enemy guns in the area were attacked yesterday by fighter bombers. Scattered enemy fire was also encountered on the Crozon Peninsula, south of Brest, where strong points were attacked by medium and light bombers. Fighters and fighter bombers provided support for ground forces and attacked transportation in Holland. Strong points near Boulogne were targets for medium and light bombers.

Communique Number 161 – 16 September 1944

Allied troops are now thrusting eastward along the 500 miles from the Swiss frontier, south of Belfort, to the Channel Coast around the Scheldt Estuary. Near the Swiss Border, Allied troops advancing from southern France have made further progress since contact was established near Dijon with patrols from our forces operating to the north. The enemy is fighting stubbornly from prepared positions to protect the southern hinge of his withdrawal movement towards the Belfort Gap. Northeast of Vesoul we have advanced several miles against increasing resistance. Elements have pushed to the vicinity of Fayl-Billot and south of the town an enemy column was attacked and destroyed. Northwest of Dijon we have reached Montbard in the Brenne River Valley without meeting serious opposition. Châtenois, Mannecourt, six miles from Neufchâteau, has been captured and units are in the vicinity of Mirecourt.

In the Moselle River Valley, our troops have entered Nancy and Epinal. Fighter bombers were active against enemy transportation in the Moselle River Valley. In northern Luxembourg, east of Sankt Vith, our advance has continued against strongly-held pill box defenses. Allied troops closing on Aachen from three sides are meeting stubborn opposition. Maastricht has been liberated and our troops have moved beyond the city. Fighting continued throughout yesterday in our bridgeheads over the Meuse and the Escaut, and a number of enemy counter-attacks were beaten off. The coastal areas north of the Albert Canal are being steadily cleared of enemy. Fighter bombers hit enemy transport in Holland. Ships and shore installations at Breskens, Flushing-Vlissingen and Ellewoutsdijk on the west Scheldt were attacked by medium and light bombers.

Communique Number 162 – 17 September 1944

Advances were made by Allied troops yesterday between Antwerp and the sea. Our bridgeheads over the Meuse Canal and the Escaut Canal continue to be subjected to enemy counter-attacks, but we are holding firm. Further south, on the German frontier, our forces are fighting in the southern outskirts of Aachen and strong elements have broken through the Siegfried Line defenses east of the city against heavy resistance. We have also pierced the defenses below Rott, southeast of Aachen, and have advanced into the Roetgen Forest. Moderate resistance is being met across the frontier east of Sankt Vith but our forces further south near Brandscheid are encountering heavy resistance.

In the Moselle River Valley, our forces are now across the river in strength and elements have advanced a considerable distance east of Nancy. The advance from Southern France is making progress against varying resistance. Elements have pushed without opposition to Chaumont but advances northeast of Vesoul, at the western approach to the Belfort Gap, were made against defenses which the enemy has been strengthening.

In the Alps, troops have entered Modane at the western entrance of the Modane Railway tunnel linking France and Italy. The enemy is withdrawing in the direction of the high Mont-Cenis Pass.

The Arnemuiden and Bath dykes, linking by road and rail the island of Walcheren to the Dutch mainland, were attacked yesterday by medium and light bombers; other medium bombers struck at two strong points north of Boulogne. Fighters and fighter bombers attacked transportation targets in Holland.

Communique Number 163 – 18 September 1944.

Allied airborne troops were landed in Holland yesterday after powerful air preparation in which the Allied air forces operated in great strength. First reports show that the operation is going well. Our ground forces near the Belgian-Dutch frontier are continuing to make progress. Further south we have mopped up pockets of resistance on the outskirts of Aachen. Heavy fighting continues in the city. Elements pushing on east of the town are encountering determined resistance. Advances have also been made across the Luxembourg-German frontier.

In the Moselle River valley, our troops are clearing the area west of the river of isolated enemy troops. North of Nancy progress has been made and enemy counter-attacks near Pont-à-Mousson were repulsed. The Germans are fighting hard in the Belfort Gap. Our troops have occupied the town of Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse and cleared Lure of the enemy. North of Lure, the enemy used tanks in resisting the advance. Local engagements took place in the area of Pont-de-Roide.

Striking in advance of our airborne forces yesterday, heavy, light and fighter bombers in very great strength attacked anti-aircraft batteries, gun positions, communications, troops and transport through a wide area of Holland while fighters swept a path for the aerial transports and gliders, and provided umbrella cover for the landing. As the enemy’s guns opened fire, our fighters and fighter bombers dived to silence them in low-level strafing and bombing attacks. Many motor vehicles, locomotives, railway cars and barges were destroyed or damaged, and bridges and supply dumps were hit. According to reports so far received, nine enemy aircraft were shot down in combat by our fighters. Later in the day, gun positions and troops on the island of Walcheren were attacked by a strong force of heavy bombers. Coastal aircraft struck at shipping off the Frisian Islands.

Fortified positions and garrison troops at Boulogne were bombarded for four hours by other heavy bombers which dropped more than 3500 tons of high explosives. Intense anti-aircraft fire was encountered at time, but there was no opposition in the air. Strong points at Brest were attacked during the day by small forces of fighter bombers. Other fighter bombers hit locomotives and railway cars in western Germany. Note: No contribution to this Communique received from the British 21-AG (Montgomery) and the US 12-AG (Bradley).

Communique Number 164 – 19 September 1944

The landing of Allied airborne troops in Holland continued yesterday. Supplies were also landed and positions were consolidated and strengthened. Operations are proceeding, and in one area our ground forces have already linked with the airborne troops. In advance of the airborne operations, fighters and fighter bombers attacked flak boats and positions, troops and transport. Other fighters maintained patrols and provided escort and cover for the transport aircraft and gliders. More than 70 flak boats and positions were put out of action. Many motor and horse-drawn vehicles were destroyed and an ammunition dump was blown up. Opposition to the advance of our ground troops was stubborn. In the area west of Antwerp, Allied troops, now fighting on Dutch soil, are advancing in spite of stiff opposition.

In southern Holland, our troops have advanced northeast of Maastricht against stiff resistance from enemy infantry, artillery and dug-in tanks. Elements further east have reached Ubachsberg and Simpelveld against moderate resistance. In Aachen, hard fighting continues. Southeast of the city we have cleared the town of Büsbach and units to the northeast have met strong opposition. Mopping-up of German elements is in progress east of Roetgen, across the border from Eupen, and we have captured Höfen. East of Sankt Vith, our troops in Germany are meeting stiffening resistance and increasing artillery fire. Brandscheid has been taken and we have advanced to Hontheim, six miles east of the border. Armored units moving across the Luxembourg-German frontier have taken the town of Hüttingen an der Kyll.

Fighting continues in Boulogne where we have made further progress into the town. West of the Belfort Gap, our troops, in an advance of more than five miles eastward from Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse, have entered the town of Fougerolles. An enemy attack near Pont de Roide was repulsed. According to reports so far received, 32 enemy aircraft were destroyed in yesterday’s overall air operation. Thirty three of our fighters are missing.

Communique Number 165 – 20 September 1944

The advance of the Allied forces in Holland has continued rapidly. Ground troops made contact yesterday with more airborne formations. Eindhoven is in our hands and our armored units have advanced nearly 40 miles to the area of Nijmegen. Strong enemy counter-attacks were beaten off near Best and in our bridgehead north of Gheel. Fighters and fighter bombers again supported and covered airborne operations and attacked road and rail transport over a wide area of Holland. According to reports so far received, 26 enemy aircraft were shot down for the loss of nine of our fighters.

In southern Holland our troops have liberated Sittard and Amstenrade, northeast of Maastricht, meeting moderate opposition. East of Aachen, fighting is in progress in the factory area of Stolberg, and enemy pressure is being met near Büsbach. Operating in advance of our ground forces, medium and light bombers hit railway yards at Eschweiller, Düren and Merzenich in the Aachen-Köln Corridor. Mopping-up of enemy pill-boxes and pockets of resistance continues east of Roetgen and in the Höfen and Alzen areas, south of Monschau. Enemy counter-attacks in this area were unsuccessful. Heavy and determined resistance has been encountered east of the German-Luxembourg border. East of Bleialf, an enemy pocket was wiped out. To the west, the enemy is still resisting stubbornly south of the Scheldt, but our troops made progress in the area of the Axel-Huist Canal.

In the Moselle River Valley, we have made gains south of Metz against stubborn resistance. Mopping-up is in progress six miles northeast of Pont-à-Mousson. Further south, our forces have liberated Gerbéviller, 14 miles northeast of Charmes. On the coast, we have captured the Citadel and Mont Lambert in Boulogne. In Brittany, all organized resistance has ceased in Brest and La Recouvrance, and our troops have cleared the enemy from the Crozon Peninsula.

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