Archive sent to EUCMH by Sgt James ‘Jim’ Haahr (USA), 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division 1944-1945. You can, of course, use the information provided in this document as long as you credit the source (Fair Use).
26th Infantry ‘Yankee’ Division Advance Detail to Utah Beach and Cherbourg, France, 1944. Originally from the Department of the Navy, (letter) from Bernard F. Cavalcante (Head Operational Archives Branch to Ernie Greup, Durham, North-Carolina, [Enclosed is a list of ships, the sailing directions and the convoy commander’s report from Convoy CU-37, which is the convoy that you describe].
A 25 member detachment under the command of Gen Harlan Hartness, ADC 26th Yankee Division, including Col Collin Bushway, 726th Ordnance L.M., plus 5000 troops (not from the 26-YD) left the New York Port of Embarkation (POE) aboard the French liner Ile de France and sailed unescorted to Scotland.
From Glasgow, Scotland, the advance party of the 26-YD went by train to a channel port, crossed the English Channel on a British Troop Shif off loaded into a landing Craft (LCP) and thence went ashore on Utah Beach. The mission selected bivouac site for the Division units on the Cotentin Penninsula in preparation to ist arrival on September 7 1944.
Sailed, New York, 2237Z/27 August; Destination, BOMP ETA 1000Z/29 August UK, ETA, 7 September; Speed, 13.6; Escorts, TG 21.6, USS Tillman, USS Charles Lawrence, USS Daniel T. Griffin, USS Sims; USS Hopping, USS Reeves, USS Cates, USS Earl K. Olsen, USS Gandy, USS Jack W. Wilkie, USS Mason. Total Ships, 49; Reference, PD New York 262210Z, 272246Z, 272334F, 272128Z, 221530Z, PD Boston 251642Z, F321 Davis 151457Z, NSHQ Ottawa 230743Z, August 1944.
US Cargo & Destination
Santa Teresa – Cherbourg (26-YD), Lightning – Mersey (26-YD), Poland Victory – Cherbourg (26-YD), USS Lejeune (AP 74)(Vice Cdre) (104-ID), USAT George Washington – Cherbourg (104-ID), USAT Cristobal – Cherbourg (104-ID), Argentina (Cdre) – Cherbourg (?), Ocean Mail – Cherbourg (?), USAT J. W. Mcandrew – Cherbourg (?), USAT Henry Gibbins – Cherbourg (?), Warrior – Cherbourg (?), Santa Rita – Cherbourg (?), African Sun – Cherbourg (?), Sturdy Beggar – Cherbourg (?), Robin Tuxdorf – Cherbourg (?), Cape Diamond – Cherbourg (?), White Falcon – Loch Ewe (Mersey) (?), Noonday (*) (Cdre – Boston Sec.) – Cherbourg (?), Alden Besse (Sailed Boston, 1100Z/28 August to Join) – Cherbourg (?).
US Tankers
Callabee – Swansea, Chatilly – Mersey, Catham – Glasgow, Opequon – Lock Ewe, Frenchtown – Barry Roads, Wolf Mountain – Glasgow, Bulkero – Barry Roads, Hobkirks Hill – Loch Ewe, Stony Point – Clyde, Chickamauga – Milford Haven, Ticonderoga – Swansea, Bear Paw – Mersey, Blackstocks Ford – Manchester, Perryville – Glasgow, Esso Camden – Barry Roads, Wyoming Valley – Swansea, Washita – Barry Roads, Powder River – Barry Roads, Esso Memphis – Manchester, Pine Ridge – Barry Roads, Quemado Lake – Swansea.
British Cargo Largs Bay (Not to WSA) – Mersey, Esperance Bay (Not to WSA) – Barry Roads.
British Tanker Wave King – Glasgow.
Other Cargo Saturna (Italian) – Cherbourg.
Other Tanker Fort Schuyler (Holland) – Barry Roads, Karsten Wang (Norway) – Barry Roads.
Miscellaneous HMS Arbiter (CVE-51) – As directed, HMS Patrolier – As Directed.
Forecast of Troops to Arrive – Troops Movement #132
(1). The following unit are due to arrive in the European Theater of Operations (Continent) in the near future. Agencies directly concerned with the reception, quartering and transportation arrangements to be accomplished concerning these units will be advised date and port of arrival by separate communication.
(2). These units, will be handled in accordance with letter HQ CZ (Forward) ETOUSA dated August 15, 1944, subject, General Plan for Reception and Staging of Troops and Equipment Received Through Cotentin Peninsula’.
(3). For security reasons, when referring to this list by telephone, the number of the page, line, and letter of the column concerned will be used.
Field Force – 12th Army Group – (NUSA).
1690-M (NY-230)
Robin Tuxford, Charlie Co, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion (less 3rd Plat), 4 (Off), 93 (EM).
1965-L (NY-230)
Robin Tuxford, Det 56th Armored Infantry Battalion, 1 (Off), 10 (EM).
5562-A (NY-220)
Argentina, Det 26-ID, Hq & Hq Co, Hq Sp Trps w/att Medic, Chaplain, Band, 29 (Off), 18 (W.O), 227 (EM), 4 (CIV).
5562-A (NY-227)
Saturnia, Det Hq & Hq Co & Hq Sp Trps 26th Infantry Division, 10 (Off), 60 (EM).
5562-A (NY-229)
Argentina, Det Hq & Hq Co & Hq Sp Trps 26-ID w/att Medic, Chaplain, Band, 1 (Off), 2 (EM).
5562-B (NY-223)
J.W. McAndrew, Military Police Platoon 26-ID, 2 (Off), 67 (EM).
5562-C (NY-220)
Argentina, Det 726th Ord L. Maint Co, 5 (Off), 1 (W.O), 122 (EM).
5562-C (NY-229)
Argentina, Det 726th Ord L. Maint Co, 1 (Off), 6 (EM).
5562-D (NY-223)
J.W. McAndrew, 26th Quartermaster Company, 8 (Off), 172 (EM).
5562-E (NY-223)
J.W. McAndrew, 39th Signal Company, 6 (Off), 3 (W.O), 207 (EM).
5562-E (NY-229)
J.W McAndrew, Det 39th Signal Company, 1 (Off), 15 (EM).
5562-F (NY-227)
Saturnia, 101st Infantry Regiment w/att Medic & Chaplain, 148 (Off), 5 (W.O), 3041 (EM); Guard Detail, Dog Co, 6 (Off), 186 (EM); Police, Fox Co, 6 (Off), 187 (EM).
5562-G (NY-220)
Argentina, 104th Infantry Regiment w/att Medic, Chaplain, 148 (Off), 5 (W.O), 3042 (EM).
5562-H (NY-222)
Henry Gibbins, Det 328th Infantry Regiment w/att Medic, Chaplain, Hq & Hq Co, 14 (Off), 1 (W.O), 90 (EM); Service Company, 10 (Off), 4 (W.O), 94 (EM); AT Company, 7 (Off), 152 (EM); Cannon Company, 5 (Off), 109 (EM); Regt Medic Det, Hq Section, 4 (Off), (29 (EM); 3rd Battalion Section, – 2 (Off), 32 (EM); 3rd Battalion, 34 (Off), 824 (EM); Guard Detail, Mike Company, 8 (Off), 152 (EM).
5562-H (NY-223)
J.W. McAndrew, 2nd Bn 328th Infantry Regiment, 34 (Off), 824 (EM); Section Regt Medic 2/328, 2 (Off), 32 (EM); Guard Detail, How Company, 8 (Off), 152 (EM).
5562-J (NY-229)
Saturnia, Det Hq & Hq Btry 26-ID Arty w/att Medic & Chaplain, 1 (Off), 5 (EM).
5562-K (NY-229)
Saturnia, Det 101st FA Bn w/att Medic, 1 (Off), 4 (EM).
5562-L (NY-229)
Argentina, Det 102nd Field Artillery Battalion w/att Medic, 30 (Off), 2 (W.O), 461 (EM).
5562-N (NY-223)
J.W. McAndrew, 180th Field Arty Battalion w/att Medic, 25 (Off), 2 (W.O), 450 (EM); Police, Btrys B & C, 8 (Off), 204 (EM).
5562-N (NY-229)
J.W McAndrew, Det 180th Field Arty Bn w/att Medic, 2 (Off), 32 (EM).
5562-M (NY-222)
Henry Gibbins, 263rd Field Arty battalion w/att Medic, 34 (Off), 824 (EM); Police, Battery B, 5 (Off), 92 (EM).
5562-M (NY-229)
Henry Gibbins, Det 263rd Field Arty Bn w/att Medic, 1 (Off), 4 (EM).
5562-P (NY-229)
Santa Maria, Det 101st Engineer Cbt Bn w/att Medic, 1 (Off), 20 (EM).
5562-R (NY-220)
Argentina, 114th Medical Battalion w/att Chaplain, 32 (Off), 2 (W.O), 404 (EM).
5562-S (NY-229)
Santa Maria, Det 114th Medic Bn w/att Chaplain, 1 (Off), 39 (EM).
5562-T Argentina, 26th CIC Detachment, 2 (Off), 5 (EM).
9599-A (NY-221)
George Washington, Det 104-ID, Hq & Hq Co, Hq Special Troops w/att Medic & Band, 39 (Off), 10 (W.O), 268 (EM), 4 (CIV).
9599-A (NY-221)
Ocean Mail, Det Hq & Hq Co, Hq Sp Trps, 104-IR, 1 (EM).
9599-B (NY-221)
George Washington, Military Police Platoon 104-IR, 2 (Off), 67 (EM).
9599-C (NY-221)
George Washington, 804th Ord L. Maint Company, 6 (Off), 1 (W.O), 124 (EM).
9599-C (NY-221)
Ocean Mail, Det 804th Ord L Maint Co, 4 (EM).
9599-E (NY-221)
George Washington, 104th Signal Co, 7 (Off), 3 (W.O), 211 (EM).
9599-E (NY-221)
Ocean Mail, Det 104th Signal Company, 1 (EM)
9599-G (NY-221) George Washington, 414th Infantry Regiment w/att Medic & Chaplain, 147 (Off), 5 (W.O), 3041 (EM); Police, Baker & Charlie Cos, 12 (Off), 374 (EM); Police, Dog Co, 8 (Off), 152 (EM).
9599-H (NY-221)
George Washington, Det 415-IR w/att Medic & Chaplain, 3rd Bn 415-IR, 34 (Off), 824 (EM); 3rd Bn Medic Regt Section, 2 (Off), 32 (EM).
9599-L (NY-221)
George Washington, 386th Field Arty Battalion w/att Medic, 32 (Off), 1 (W.O), 461 (EM); Guard Detail, 32 (Off), 1 (W.O), 461 (EM).
9599-N (NY-221)
Ocean Mail, 387th Field Arty Battalion w/att Medic, 28 (Off), 1 (W.O), 482 (EM).
9599-M (NY-221)
George Washington, 929th Field Arty battalion w/att Medic, 32 (Off), 1 (W.O), 461 (EM).
9599-R (NY-221)
George Washington, 329th Medical Bn w/att Chaplain, 34 (Off), 405 (EM).
9599-S (NY-221)
George Washington, 104th Recon troop Mecz, 6 (Off), 124 (EM).
9599-T (NY-221)
George Washington, 104th CIC Det, 2 (Off), 5 (EM).
Headquarters 26th infantry Division
APO 26, US Army
February 1 1945
Letter, Hq III Corps, January 25 1945
Subject : Commendation
To : All Officers and Enlisted Men
I desire to express to each member of this command my sincere appreciation for the aggressive and courageous action which merited the enclose commendation from our Army and Corps Commanders. When you initially attacked for seven days and nights without halting for rest, you met and defeated more than twice your own number. Tour advance required the enemy to turn fresh divisions against you, and you in turn hacked them to pieces as you ruthlessly cut your way deep into the flank of the ‘Bulge’. Yours feats of daring and endurance in the sub-freezing weather and snow-clad mountains and gorges of Luxembourg are legion; your contribution to the relief of Bastogne was immeasurable. It was particularly fitting that the elimination of the ‘Bulge’ should find the Yankee Division seizing and holding firmly on the same line held by our forces prior to the breakthrough. I am proud of this feat by you all as well as those you performed earlier. We shall advance on Berlin together.
W. S. Paul
Major General, US Army
Headquarters III Corps
Office of the Commanding General
APO 303, US Army
January 25 1945
200.6 GNNCG
Subject: Commendation.
To: Commanding General 26th Infantry Division, APO 26 US Army
(1). The following letter from the Army Commander is quoted to all III Corps units which participated in the relief of Bastogne.
Headquarters Third United States Army
Office of the Commanding general
APO 403
January 20 1945
Subject: Commendation
To: Commanding General, Officers and Men of the III Corps, APO 303, US Army
-1. The speed with which the III Corps assembled, and the energy, skill and Persistency with which it pressed its attack for the relief of Bastogne, constitute a very noteworthy feat of arms.
-2. You and the officers and men of your Command are hereby highly commended for a superior performance.
-3. You will apprise all units concerned of the contents of this letter.
George S. Patton, Jr.
(2). The Corps Commander is gratified to transmit the Army’s Commander’s commendation to this units of Corps troops and divisions participating in the relief of Bastogne. The uncertainty of the enemy situation, the stubborn enemy resistance, the disregard for losses and the team work which all units displayed in gaining the goal of relieving Bastogne were the contributing factors that made the operations such an outstanding victory, and will be highly valued in the history of each unit.
(3). The Corps Commander adds his commendation for the performance of this task well done.
(4). The contents of this letter will be made known to all officers and enlisted men of your organizations at the earliest practicable time.
John Millikin
Major General, US Army
Bonjour, j’habite à Morville-Lès-Vic en France où a eu lieu le combat du 09 nov 1944. J’écris un livre sur l’histoire du village de Morville. Je parle de la 26ème DI et du 761ème Tank Battalion.
Je suis en relation avec Joe Wilson Jr (père dans le 761ème TB) et j’ai une interview de Bill Houle (26ème DI). Avec Joe nous avons mis une plaque commémorative à Morville en 2019
Je souhaite utiliser votre photo sur Saint LIVIER de 1943 dans mon livre. Etes vous d’accord ?
Si vous avez une adresse mail, je peux vous envoyer quelques photos de mon livre
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